Socks: Men's Lifestyle
Socks: Men's Lifestyle
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Men's Crew Sock - Sasquatch Camp Out
Being Sasquatch is stressful. It’s a 24 hours per day, 7 days per week job. Not to mention all those Sasquatch meetings and tight Sasquatch deadlines to meet. Sometimes, even Sasquatch needs to decompress. And while it’s true that he...
Men's Crew Sock - Cup Of Ambition
Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work, which is basically the result of a cup of coffee. So we give you the Cup of Ambition crew sock, it's fresh! Our...
Men's Crew Sock - Call Me Old Fashioned
There’s nothing old fashioned about an old fashioned. It’s a timely drink for any occasion. Start by muddling bitters and sugar, mix in your favorite whiskey, and garnish with an orange peel: you’ve reached the pinnacle of cocktail deliciousness. Call...
Men's Crew Sock - Bearly Awake
There’s something magical about waking up when it’s still dark. The world is yours and yours alone. Making the coffee, pouring it, that glorious sip. You’re tired, like a bear who just spent all winter hibernating, and there’s something wonderful...
Men's Crew Sock - Dapper Goats
Goats get a bad rap. Sure, they sometimes eat garbage, walk around with their tongues out, and have a "where am I?" expression on their face. But they are inquisitive creatures whose curiosity often gets them in trouble. The worldly...
Men's Crew Sock - Sasquatch
Sitting in the woods very quietly, barely breathing...we had a bigfoot sighting. (He looked exactly like this) Our combed cotton threads are certified by OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, which means we leave out harmful chemicals to keep your skin safe and...
Men's Crew Sock - Unbelievable Crew
Get this: you're walking in the woods, and all of a sudden you see Bigfoot. What?! You inch closer, and what do you see? He's sitting around a fire with a camp of aliens!! In your surprise, you break a...
Men's Crew Sock - Are You Not Entertained
Are you not entertained?!? Well, how about after looking at these socks with a gladiator riding his faithful shark into battle? Picture him bravely fighting off enemy gladiators astride seahorses, dolphins, and cuttlefish? Maybe a horde of gladiators sails in...
Men's Crew Sock - I Believe
Our galaxy alone contains at least 100 billion planets, most of them are smaller like ours. Conservative estimates are that there are about 10 billion terrestrial planets in our galaxy. so, the likelihood of alien life is actually quite plausible....
Men's Crew Sock - Pot Head
"Yeah, I'm a total pothead," you say as you pour your 8th cup of coffee for the day, completely misunderstanding the question you were asked. If a freshly brewed pot of coffee is the first thing that comes to mind...
Men's Crew Sock - Keep On Paddling
What's a squirrel in a canoe to do? Well, he's heading down river and he's got a paddle so he'd be nuts not to use it—he's got to keep paddling. We think everyone can take a lesson from this squirrel....
Men's Crew Sock - Game On
Calling all gamers: rock these glow-in-the dark socks to add some flair to your gaming outfit. No matter what your favorite console is, we think you're a winner already, so challenge your friends to a duel and show off your...
Men's Crew Sock - Live, Laugh, Lurk
Sasquatch, bigfoot, whatever you call them might seem scary, but this monster is just out for a night walk in the woods on these glow-in-the-dark socks. Our combed cotton threads are certified by OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, which means we leave...
Men's Crew Sock - Puzzle Box
You love a good puzzle. The harder to solve, the better. There’s little that beats that victorious feeling of knowing you solved it on your own (or with a little help - we won’t tell!). Wear your puzzle love with...
Men's Crew Sock - Meditating Bigfoot
Even Sasquatch has need for a little rest and relaxation. With all of the extreme hide-and-seek that's been played for centuries, it's just as likely you'll catch them meditating on a floating lotus leaf as it is to come upon...
Men's Crew Sock - Hot Sauce
People are CRAZY about their spices. They'll put it on everything, including their men's crew socks! But really, you can spend hours in a hot sauce specific store, burning your tongue off tasting each one, and still get your fanatic...
Men's Crew Sock - Peeling Out
Do you miss the carefree days full of wearing sunglasses and skating down the halls? We say go bananas! But, maybe try out these banana socks before going out and buying that skateboard. Our combed cotton threads are certified by...
Men's Crew Sock - Taco Tuesday
Can't wait for Taco Tuesday? We don't blame you. Maybe these Taco Tuesday Crew Socks will hold you over until the day arrives once more. Or maybe they'll give you an excuse to grab tacos after work. Either option sounds...
Men's Crew Sock - Grillin' It
What is that delightful aroma that pervades the entire neighborhood? Could it be a couple nice steaks, or perhaps some hotdogs and hamburgers? It doesn’t matter, as long as it was cooked by the grill master, it will be delicious....
Men's Crew Sock - Trash Pandas
Your favorite masked burglars are here to help you get rid of your extra pizza! Socks featuring rascally raccoons will make everyone laugh!
Men's Crew Sock - Yeah Buoy
Taking the boat out to sea? Perfect socks for any ocean farer who's idea of going to the beach is cruising through bright blue water. Our combed cotton threads are certified by OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, which means we leave out...
Men's Crew Sock - Let's Get Nuts
Are donuts considered a breakfast, snack, or dessert? Whatever it is, donut pass up the opportunity to buy these delicious socks! Our combed cotton threads are certified by OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, which means we leave out harmful chemicals to keep...
Men's Crew Sock - The Starry Flight
Another classic Van Gogh painting with our unique spin - Vincent's Starry Night becomes the pastoral scene of an alien abduction!
Men's Crew Sock - Cabin Life
Are donuts considered a breakfast, snack, or dessert? Whatever it is, donut pass up the opportunity to buy these delicious socks! Our combed cotton threads are certified by OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, which means we leave out harmful chemicals to keep...